Tintswalo Hospital
Rural Hospital Renovation Blog
SVI Room
High Care
The Roof
Mission accomplished
ACTIVE...donate to be part of the transformation!
Incremental returns
Week 17 - Sew Festive
Week 16 - Buy these gals a beer!
Week 15 - Bohbbi, the man
Week 14 - New dogs, New tricks
Week 13 - Evidence-based giving
Week 12 - Routine Resurrections
Weeks 10&11 - Monitor Mule
Week 9 - Unglamorous effluent
Week 8 - 80kg ZOLL
Week 7 - Critical Corridor
Week 6 - Indlovu in the room
Weeks 4&5 - Voodoo blessings
Week 3 - Getting giving right
Week 2 - Ubuntu spirit
Week 1 - Build like a girl
Week 0 - We're baaaaaack!! Next stop: HIGH CARE